WHY work with a DIA Advisor?

We serve as an extension of your team

Much of the work involved in preparing and executing a technology change project is tedious. Hours of research, gathering invoices, creating inventories, documenting requirements, meetings with sales reps… It’s a lot of time you probably don’t have, and even if you did, wouldn’t it be better to have your resources focus that time on something more strategic?

When you work with an advisor, you can entrust all of this legwork to a team that’s experienced and works in this space every day of the week. A trusted advisor provides high-level technology recommendations, resounding support, and deep expertise, all at no additional cost to you. You invest solely in the solutions that will advance your business.

HOW does a DIA Advisor perform?

Our Methodology: DMAIC

Much of the work involved in preparing and executing a technology change project is tedious. Hours of research, gathering invoices, creating inventories, documenting requirements, meetings with sales reps… It’s a lot of time you probably don’t have, and even if you did, wouldn’t it be better to have your resources focus that time on something more strategic?

When you work with an advisor, you can entrust all of this legwork to a team that’s experienced and works in this space every day of the week. A trusted advisor provides high-level technology recommendations, resounding support, and deep expertise, all at no additional cost to you. You invest solely in the solutions that will advance your business.


Meeting on-site to learn about your environment, performing physical walk-throughs, and asking a series of questions, we strive to learn about not only what is in place, but WHY it’s in place


Using tools to capture a snapshot of your environment and collecting current service invoices.


once we collect the data, we will analyze it to customize an action plan


THIS is where the magic happens – we will make recommendations


After the cutovers, upgrades and changes are implemented, we review the environment and the invoices to ensure we provided what we promised.

The Best way to get started is to perform of a free current Infrastructure & Cost Analysis with an Advisor.

During this review we will take a close look at all the technology services you have in place today and make recommendations where cost savings and proficiency can be made.

Connect with our Advisors Today!

Don’t let outdated systems hold you back. Embrace the future with our innovative solutions. Reach out now to discuss your project and service needs with our specialists. Together, we’ll ensure your network is as dynamic and efficient as your business.

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